Monthly Archives: June 2013


Life for so many people is summarised in strings of activities. I believe life can be lived with a sense of significance and purpose. Let’s consider these virtues this Monday morning:
1. Commit to a cause greater than yourself. You are not the centre of the universe.
2. Value people rather than things. Relationship is more important than silver and gold.
3. Give thanks for what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have.
4. Celebrate your everyday life. Life is a privilege. Always find joy in what you do.

Commitment: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, where you go.” It is the commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your cause that produces excellence in life. Every obstacle is simply a course for you to develop your achievement muscle.

Perseverance: Resolute and unyielding, holding on steadily on a course of action in spite of difficulties, obstacles, suffering or discouragement. “And let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.” Perseverance is not just an attitude rather a way of life.

Practice regularly: This is the key to mastery. Trying means learning, learning means improving, constantly improving means you will eventually become good in whatever your passion resides. The truth is that we all have these virtues in us. Keep dreaming, believing, as you put in your very best, for fulfilment is knocking at the door!

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Filed under Liberation, unlimited power


Procrastination can be a hindrance to our productivity in life. When you procrastinate you are literarily saying two things to yourself, one “It’s easier to avoid this than to face it”. The other one is “It will be easier to handle this tomorrow or at later times” Both stance are not good enough.

There is a cost to procrastination. Procrastination causes problems. Procrastination takes a problem and makes it a crisis. The longer you wait to start, the harder it is to begin. Procrastination wastes opportunities. “If you won’t plough in the cold, you won’t eat at harvest.” When opportunity in life knocks, open the door! Take the advantage while you’ve got it. If you don’t, you’ll miss it. Opportunities lost may be hard to regain. We only have the first opportunity to make a lasting impression
Procrastination can hurt other people. Laziness can prevent us from being loving. Love requires commitment, energy, and work. A lot of people just don’t want to work at being loving; it’s easier to be lazy. Many relationships suffer because sometimes we are unwilling to make the effort necessary to save such relationships. This week let’s take a stock of areas we may have been procrastinating, make the necessary adjustment to live a more productive life

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Filed under Liberation, unlimited power