Monthly Archives: February 2009







I know most of you reading would wonder who is in the picture above, well just a peep into the post, she is my…….. $$#&$#&%$ (wonder what that means)

I grew up in a family of 6 and I was brought up to understand the necessity of keeping good friends, as your friends would be used to define you. Growing up was an experience that has formed me and has defined my path in life, all the things I have gone through that in one way or another designed me for where I am now. All the people that I have ever met that have sharpened my destiny and have contributed to my path en route for success.

During my days in the university, I met with a lot of people because of my very social nature and amongst all I would forever remember my one and true friend, my confidant, my accountability mate, Avwenaghagha Ono, she is the definition of true friendship, caring, loving, faithful, a bundle of life, full of compassion, truthful, energetic, …..  helping me maintain my direction in life.

Growing up in Delta state opened me up to different things in life, growing up in an area where people do not other about growing with time, they do not crave for learning, Continue reading


Filed under Love and relationship, Science and life