Four Lessons I’ve learnt in 2020- So Far…

Stay with the News- Do not let your business suffer

Suddenly, we were almost swept off by the unexpected visitor, Covid-19 took the world by surprise. Not even soothsayers could predict this pandemic, the men of God did not see this coming, we all watched the world grind to a standstill. Some say it is a scam, some say it was caused by 5G, others said it is an ultimate plan and scheme by some top guns. Well in all of these, no one say it coming and no one predicted this and the outcome globally.

The impact of the pandemic mixed with the power battle for oil prices caused some countries to suffer. Russia-Saudi Arabia started the price way which saw a dip in standards of living for many in countries that are heavily dependent on oil. Oil prices fell to its lowest rate in history. It became free at some point. This impacted heavily on businesses as most of them could not survive the shock at the same time. Borders were closed, so most businesses suffered immensely.

The lesson here is, although most of the points stated here are beyond our control, we should at least stay up to date with happenings. Make right decisions on how and when to buy, store space to keep stock etc. Stay up to date, stay current, this would help you stay proactive to change and how to adapt.

Learn, Learn, Learn- Never Stop

The lockdown taught me that time can come and go if not used judiciously would be a total waste. One of the most common phrases that surfaced this year is “New Normal”. Everything has been disrupted, call it “a scam” or “political” the world has been reborn and only those who prepared for it would partake in the new world.

Most people did nothing new all through the lockdown, but they expect to win, no new skill, no new degree, nothing. So, at the end when we all self-appraise, I worry what the outcome would be. Well, its not too late to start as skills are learnt as quickly as you can start. Make the most of every minute you have and grow. Learn and never stop evolving.

Teamwork makes the team work

Fear on What next? Worry about long ending online meetings, losing touch with the past reality? Getting used to the new normal? Well these are what we should expect. Digital is replacing analog, the new has taken over the old and teams are almost losing touch of their bonding.

Leaders have experienced some of these working from home. Dropped deadlines, slow delivery, unavailability of colleagues and many more. Dealing with this is draining, but good news is that you can create activities that would help your team stay in constant touch. As a supervisor, never be too rigid to tell jokes or use trending phrases while in an informal setting. Allow the tension out of the window with checking into their personal life, care about their families, and everything including work.

When you are fully involved, and you are accessible to your team members across different platforms means you can offer extra assistance if they are facing any challenge in handling issues.

Build a passion project

Most people have skills and talents that can fetch them money if only they monetize it. A passion project is an activity or enterprise that you decide to take on—usually in your spare time–to gain some benefit for yourself. That is, it is a challenge that you willingly embrace because you hope to gain something from it. Create profit out of what you do for fun.

In conclusion

In summary, things are getting back to normal and the new normal is becoming the norm. some businesses would struggle to stay on, however persistent would only carry us through. Learn more, save money, save money …save money and be judicious. Customers would come and there is need to understand them all round and know what they need especially at this time.

Whatever you do, please win… win….and stay safe


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